Entropia Life

Profile for Sir Nemesis Tailstrike

Sir Nemesis Tailstrike's Overview

Member of The Knights of Entropia

  • First mining global: 7/30/2008 9:04:41 PM

Hunting Stats

Favorite Mob: NA.

Highest Loot: NA. PED

Total Loot: NA. PED

Hunting Rank: NA. of

Mining Stats

Favorite Mineral: Garcen Grease

Highest Loot: 139 PED

Total Loot: 272 PED

Mining Rank: NA. of 960

Crafting Stats

Favorite Item: NA.

Highest Loot: NA. PED

Total Loot: NA. PED

Crafting Rank: NA. of

Sir Nemesis Tailstrike's Friends inside Entropia Universe.

Infamous Legend DoggTeeghan Tee MitexiDr Boki KaramelaPaul ReAPeR UreLukas Luczko Tadamr hedich hedlundRoamie Tanjooberrymutts Adamskizeno zen0bit zenoEric Shade AvengedRoman Shoo ShumbergGaran Fayd FaydMaster Fooky FandangoAmi Errien RayneLyra Handy HeartstringsVeye spliff handlerJaven Wardenclyffe TeslaJaded Rain WolfDefJef McLoving JrJayhawk Jay BokFiesty Mclovin GruberBeowald Beowulf WulframShell zealousquiche BellJoseph Joe Brazil

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