Entropia Life

Profile for Lady Jane Valentine

Lady Jane Valentine's Overview

Member of Supremacy Reign

  • First hunting global: 4/13/2008 10:02:07 AM
  • First mining global: 7/6/2008 6:31:32 PM
  • Hunting Stats

    Favorite Mob: Atrox

    Highest Loot: 15 152 PED

    Total Loot: 35 308 PED

    Hunting Rank: NA. of 3 040

    Mining Stats

    Favorite Mineral: Crude Oil

    Highest Loot: 1 682 PED

    Total Loot: 19 481 PED

    Mining Rank: NA. of 1 111

    Crafting Stats

    Favorite Item: NA.

    Highest Loot: NA. PED

    Total Loot: NA. PED

    Crafting Rank: NA. of

    Lady Jane Valentine's Friends inside Entropia Universe.

    Baron Baron Von SteubenMordrell Baas WHATBlack Pathway LegionJuliane Emma MorganJess Renada TylieRob Egg90 OwensBjorn Bjorn LongstaffJunona Amenophis Hera

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