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Entropia Planets - General Discussion

Fri, 24 May 2013 22:07:44

Depositing questions

Does anyone know whether there are fees for the various depositing methods?

What about exchange rates?

I have a Ukash 50 Euro voucher and when trying to deposit EU.com says:

Your Ukash voucher will be converted into PEDs according to the following specification
Charge: 50 EUR
Exchange rate: 12.49
PED: 624.30 PED

But: 50 x 12.49 = 624.50

So where do the 0.2 PED go? MA? Ukash? Planet Partner? Is it a bug or a feature?

Ukash.com lists Ukash Currency Exchange Rates too (https://direct.ukash.com/forexViewer/ExchangeRates.aspx) but says it's 1.252 for EUR->USD. So... why are there different exchange rates?

Btw, European Central Bank lists another exchange rate (https://www.ecb.int/stats/exchange/eurofxref/html/index.en.html), 1.2939 for EUR->USD...

So considering ECB's exchange rate and what MA wants to give me there's a difference of 22.65 respectively 2.65 USD, for a 50 Euro deposit that is.

Is there any chance for transparency?

Anyone experiencing similar 'oddities'? ...
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