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Entropia Planets - General Discussion

Tue, 07 May 2013 12:28:08

Where are the Feffoxes

Now, I know that Feffoxes were hatched some weeks ago, but it wasn't that long ago - so where are they? I know that Wistral posted up some great Feffox pics not long ago, but in the last three days I went E, S/E & S/W of Boreas; I went N, N/E & N/W of Ft.Fury and I went S/E & S/W of Ft.Argus + all over TI at very low level in a vtol, and I couldn't see one, not one! The only mobs that I saw in large numbers were Feffoids.
So, is the Feffox no more, or is it that MA has set the scene differently for different avatars? This is not as crazy as it seems, because it is a well known fact that MA does this. This is similar to different avatars seeing different ads on the ad-boards/screens, certainly when MA was working with Massive.Inc. The only time you are guaranteed to see the same mobs in the same places, is when you are team hunting, but those playing solo are given a different version of EU in terms of creature spawns. ...
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