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Wed, 27 Mar 2013 15:20:52

As-it-happened Robot News


The other day I rematerialized in the Entropia Universe with the specific intention of finding out what the situation with the recent robot incursion was - before once again clocking that huge spacecraft miles up in the sky. I also had the thought that somewhere in its superstructure the lord of the robots was perhaps still up to no good. This was due to the continuing hordes of JamRaider's all over the by now famous virtual iconic concrete complex of Port Atlantis, which due to its 'new arrivals area' is the starting place for new participants of Planet Calypso...


As most will now know, including those new to entropia, JamRaider's pose no threat of any kind. They do not attack you, they do not fire upon you - they don't seem to do much anything other than 'hover there' where they are at low level with a busy buzzing sound. This makes them very good for target-practice and for getting near continuous; albeit low-level, loot, so a very good way to start your 'new day in Entropia' if you've recently done a lot of repairs and so are low on funds, or if you're a new player with not very high weapons skills, which doesn't mean just firearms, as if they are low enough, then you can also use melee or blade weapons which is what one participant was using very effectively.


After finishing-off some JamRaider's so as to get some easy loot myself; this was strictly eco-hunting for me as I've had some outgoings in recent days in EU, I then decided to go to a less well-known, but equally iconic location where robots have been sighted, or at least so I had been told - I didn't know first-hand and I don't always read everything in VU's... This was Athena Spaceport which I have been to a few times, with huge mushroom-topped towers. So I went back to the main TP at Port Atlantis and selected it from the list of destinations. Split-seconds later I had arrived there in the usual way...


The entire teleporter area was overrun with L48 Steel Bird Elites - and probably still is right now, and there are no gun towers there. L48 means that they are high-level mobs to say the least; not as high as some in Entropia, but high enough, plus they are aerial and armed with impressive laser weaponry. They are very aggressive and will attack instantly and from distance, so beyond the first ring on the direction scope. Almost instantly, as soon as the server for that area had 'discovered my presense', I was killed and so I ended up at the one and only revive point for Athena Spaceport which is some distance away from the teleporter.


There is also only one obvious and quick route from it back to the teleporter, but taking it means encountering or having to go through the Steel Bird's again, as I found out... Once again I was back at the revive and it was at this point that I realized that any solo participant would be in a very difficult situation. The revive area is situated on an isolated, very high-up rocky outcrop with sheer sides all around, so there is almost now way of getting off it or out of there in one piece, except for taking the route or path back to the TP, which of course you cannot do currently. In the end I did manage to find a route, but this takes you completely away from the Athena Spaceport TP and takes you in the direction of the one at Eos, but at least this way you can get out of the predicament that you might find yourself in at Athena Spaceport at the moment, and get to other parts of Entropia.


Fort Ithaca is also now under threat from robot activity and probably for some time already. On the grass plains due south of the towers, there are a multitude of Trooper Generation 01's and Defender Generation 02's that simply put, made very short work of my Hoverpod as I approached the TP area - there was no way of avoiding the laser bolts which ever way I went - and one would not know they are robots from a ground vehicle until it is too late to do a U-turn... Due west of Ithaca are yet more Steel Bird Elites that have taken over from the usual creature residents, so any vehicle going in that direction other than an aircraft, would be met by a similar reception.


So, it seems for the time being anyway, that there will be continued robot incursions at many locations on Calypso and it's anyone's guess as to when the situation will let-up... Hold on to your hats or helmets! ...
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